Friday, December 9, 2016

What Was Russia Up To?

The WaPo article, "Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House" is plainly a cover-up of Barack's fickleness.

First, it is impossible to take the article at face value.  Not only does the WaPo give no plausible reason why Russia should favor Trump over Clinton, recent history suggests otherwise.  Recall the open-mic whisper of Obama's, in March 2012, in which he assured then Russian president Medvedev "After my election I will have more flexibility".  To what end, one wonders?  And previously there was the famous "Reset Button" affair between Hillary and then Russian foreign minister, Lavrov.

And it was under Obama/Clinton that Russia returned to the world stage in a really big way.  Absorbing Crimea, starting a fight in Ukraine, and becoming hegemon in Syria.  What's not to love?  If you are a Russian.

So, it has been under Obama/Clinton that Russia has been able to advance its interests prodigiously, most especially undermining the EU, which the Russians hate and against which the Americans have done exactly...oh, let me see now, hmmm... nothing.  If there is a reason to suppose anything would be different in a Clinton administration, I have not heard it.

Second, suppose the Russians were trying to influence the 2016 elections.  What did they do?  In point of fact, all the Russians did was to reveal to us the real Hillary Clinton.  Absolutely, positively nobody has claimed the Hillary emails are false, that the leaks are a disinformation campaign.  To the contrary, the depressing fact is that the Wikileaked emails really are from Hillary and her creature, John Podesta.   How depressing is that?  So the Russians have done us a huge favor and we owe them a debt of gratitude.

Now, that I think about it, I am reminded of the Vietnamese incursion into Cambodia, around 1978-79.  Let me remind you, first, that by the late 1970's, the Vietnamese were really tough motherfuckers.  They had been in a state of constant war from 1946 until 1975, first kicking French butt, then kicking American butt.  They had endured real hardhsip, witnessed real carnage, for a generation and they were not to be trifled with.

Now, in 1975 Pol Pot, as leader of the Kmer Rouge, took over Cambodia.  Although Hitler, Stalin, and Mao killed vastly more people, in absolute numbers, pound-for-pound Pol Pot (always "Pol Pot", never "Mr. Pot", for some reason) was the worst human being who had ever lived, if he was a human being, at all. Through sheer brutality, oppression, degradation, and insensate violence, Pol Pot murdered fully 1/4 of the entire Cambodian population, as documented in the famous movie, "The Killing Fields", based on the reportage of NY Times correspondent Sidney Schanberg (from when the NY Times still practiced journalism).

The Khmer Rouge were so awful that even the battle-hardened Vietnamese could not stomach them.  The Vietnamese were compelled, by human decency and nothing else, to march into Cambodia and put an end to the Khmer Rouge, finally.  G-d bless them.

As with Vietnam in Cambodia, so with Russia in the American elections of 2016.  The Russians are no pussycats.  They are as corrupt and as venal as they come.  And yet, even they could not stand the blatant deceit, mendacity, and corruption of the Clinton Crime Family---even as that corruption served their own interests.

Compelled by sheer human decency and nothing else, or so it seems to me, the Russians drew back the heavy curtains and let sterilizing rays of daylight shine onto the undead Hillary Clinton, who then burst into flames.

Only towards the very end do we get a true sense of what this story may really be about.
The reluctance of the Obama White House to respond to the alleged Russian intrusions before Election Day upset Democrats on the Hill as well as members of the Clinton campaign.
“The lack of an administration response on the Russian hacking cannot be attributed to Congress,” said Rep. Adam B. Schiff (Calif.), the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, who was at the September meeting. “The administration has all the tools it needs to respond. They have the ability to impose sanctions. They have the ability to take clandestine means. The administration has decided not to utilize them in a way that would deter the Russians, and I think that’s a problem.”
And so, Barack Obama, a man incapable of action, failed to act.  Yet again.

1 comment:

  1. Alternative theories of motivation:
    1) Discredit the entire American electoral process,
    2) Set up a total break down in government as Russian agents in place (BLM, SJP, CAIR, et al) launch debilitating attacks against the Trump government at all levels resulting in substantial counter attacks leading to virtual civil war.
    3) Attempt to achieve a reversal in the Electoral College which could produce a real revolt among vast elements of the Trump supporters leading to the same result as item 2. .
