Monday, December 12, 2016

Alternative Energy in the Age of Donald Trump

To my Leftists friends (of whom I have a few), may I say:  I feel your pain.  And with Trump recently choosing Scott Pruitt for EPA chief, you are feeling especially anguished.  In this respect, at least, I think I can help.  Please don't feel bad about what Trump may do with respect to alternative energy.  It will be OK, and let me explain why.

The world is bigger than the U.S. and bigger, therefore, than Donald Trump.  While the U.S. has a lot of the clever scientists and engineers needed to develop alternative energies, the U.S. does not have a monopoly on them.  In other words, there are other clever scientists and engineers out there.  The Europeans have plenty of them.  The Japanese, Chinese, and Indians have a lot of them.  Even tiny Israel has made its mark in the world of science and engineering.

Second, many other countries have much greater incentives, than the U.S., to find and develop alternative energies.  The Europeans have a greater ideological commitment to alternative energy.  The Asians have vastly greater economic incentive to finding alternatives to fossil fuels.  And Israel has an existential interest in moving away from fossil fuels.

As long as we are on the subject, let me point out that purely by the fact that nobody is yet running an economy, larger than a pig farm, on corn oil or wind energy, should tell you something.  It tells me there remain serious obstacles to alternative energy.  Those obstacles have to be some combination of chemistry and economics.

In other words, if it could be done, somebody would be doing it, already.  That it is not being done is not the fault of Donald Trump or the Republican Party.  It is the fault of Nature, and you will have take up this matter with the Big Guy upstairs.  Or, get your own degree in chemical engineering and get to work on the problem, yourself.  Either way, please stop blaming Donald Trump.  (And while we're at it, could you pleeese dial down the whining at least a little bit?  For pity's sake?)

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