Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Oldest Trick In The Book

This demonization of Steve Bannon, and Donald Trump before him, is the oldest trick in the book, if that book happens to be the indispensable "Rules for Radicals", by Saul Alinsky.  It goes like this:  pick a target, isolate him, and demonize, demonize, demonize.

The purpose is clear enough.  You want to control the debate, terrorize the other side, and eliminate a dangerous enemy.  Oh, you doubt people do this?  Then read up on the notorious "JournoList" (aka J-List),
Spencer Ackerman of The Washington Independent, stated "If the right forces us all to either defend Wright or tear him down, no matter what we choose, we lose the game they've put upon us. Instead, take one of them – Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares – and call them racists".
As you can see, the Left clearly understands that in a propaganda war, if you defend you lose.  As I have been saying all along, the ONLY successful strategy in a propaganda war is:  ATTACK, ATTACK, ATTACK.  And, facts do not matter.  The damage is done in the initial assault.  By the time the victim digs his way out of the pile of shit you buried him in, you have already won the fight.  

One of the great modern examples of this is Alaska senator Ted Stevenswho was indicted on "trumped up" charges (pardon the pun).  By the time he cleared his name, he had long-since lost his senate seat.

Of course, one of the things that makes the Left go blind with fury is that Donald Trump appears to understand this perfectly, whether he has a natural instinct for it or he read "Rules for Radicals".  First, you must absolutely, positively NOT give in to the attacks.  This only confers legitimacy to the attacks, further undermines your own credibility, and encourages more of the same.  It's like negotiating with terrorists.  Well, it is exactly negotiating with terrorists;  Saul Alinsky was a Terrorist Without Bullets (construction parallel to "Doctors Without Borders").

Second, you have to give as good as you get.  And that is obviously what Trump has been doing since the Republican Primaries.

Besides that Trump and his team are obviously wise to the propaganda strategies of the Left, the big news in 2016 is the American public.   I don't know whether very many Americans have read Alinsky or they just do not care anymore.  They have been suckered too many times, the pain is too great, and they just stopped listening.  So, to all my dear Leftist friends, forget these attacks on Trump and Bannon.  They are not true and they don't work.  Anymore.  And by keeping it up, you will only upset the horses.

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