Thursday, November 10, 2016

No Vendetta Against Hillary Clinton

There is growing chatter about Rudi Giuliani becoming President Trump's Attorney General.  We should be so lucky.  Rudi Giuliani is a brilliant man with a spectacular record of accomplishments.  Seventeen years after he left the mayoralty, NYC still benefits from his enlightened leadership, whose effects are far larger than crime control, important as that is.

If Barack does not pardon her, one of the first questions that AG Giuliani must consider is what to do about the unindicted co-conspirator, Hillary Rodham Clinton.  This is not a simple question.  Even though she is, at this moment, officially a private person, even though putting her in jail may be the right thing to do, HRC was almost our president.  She was the vessel for the hopes and aspirations of fully half the American people.  And if President Trump is to have any hope of uniting this deeply divided country, this fact is not to be lightly dismissed.  I think AG Giuliani has a careful choice to make.

Of course, if Barack pardons Hillary, then the case is closed on her.  If Barack does not pardon Hillary, Giuliani must serious consider simply closing the case against her, anyway.  He should definitely purse, with vigor, the case against the Clinton Foundation, but not with the intention of jailing HRC, herself.  Of course, if HRC obstructs justice, lies to FBI agents, or commits new crimes, that is another matter, entirely.  But the case against the foundation should not assume HRC as a target.

The alternative is to investigate Hillary, along with her Foundation.  In that case, however, the investigation must be exquisitely punctilious and exhaustive.  The case against HRC cannot be probabilistic, it must be made beyond all reasonable doubt or it has be thrown out.  And, if it can be made beyond all reasonable doubt, it must be laid out before the public in a totally transparent manner.

There can be no hint of vendetta about the case against Hillary.  She must be seen, unambiguously as a criminal.  In the end, even her most ardent supporters must agree she is a criminal who deserves to go to jail.

I know that many on my end of the political spectrum would be deeply gratified to see HRC in jail.  But, as gratifying as that would be and, believe me, it would be "soooo good", to quote Michael Moore, HRC is not important any more (thank G-d).  Our country is more important.  And if letting her go free will help in the healing, then we must seriously consider that option.

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