Thursday, November 24, 2016

Gender Pay Gap and a divided Nation

We are a divided nation.  And it's hard to reconcile when you cannot even agree on essential facts about the world we live in.  For example, most Leftists believe that women earn 80 cents for every dollar men earn, and take this as evidence of the War on Women.

Now, it would be one thing if the truth were buried in technical journals of the American Economic Association or the National Bureau of Economic Research, or the World Bank, while the nonsense is spewed all over the popular press, but, it's not like that.  It's true that partisan organisations promote the bullshit, but the truth really does exist in mainstream media.  For example, just in April of this year, the Washington Post published "What's the real gender pay gap?" in which the facts are laid out rather nicely.

Other publications include Forbes Magazine, "Don't Buy Into The Gender Pay Gap Myth", the Wall St Journal, "The 'Wage Gap' Myth That Won't Die", even CBS Money Watch, "The Gender Pay Gap is a Complete Myth".

The "Huffingon Post" responds "No, The Gender Pay Gap Isn't A Myth---And Here's Why" by studiously, nay aggressively, ignoring the arguments of even the Joint Economic Committee of the US Congress, whose ranking member, Democrat Carolyn Maloney, signed off on their report, "Gender Pay Inequality".

How does the Huffington Post, and others, do it?  Everybody begins with the basic fact that the average pay of all women is 80% of the average pay of all men.  But, unless you believe that a doctor's medical assistant should earn as much as the doctor, there is something to figure out.  The HuffPo will not do that.

Friends, I'm sorry to have to say this, but that is what intellectual dishonesty looks like to me.

Now, some of the reports, that correctly analyze the gender pay gap, will segue into the difficulties that women face for being poor.  Yes, let's do something about poverty.  But why are the Left lying about the specific point that women are paid less **FOR THE SAME WORK**?

No, no, no.  My friends are not lying.  The problem is they believe the lie.  Life is plenty hard enough for too many people.  Let's do something about that.  But nothing good can come of starting with a lie.  And, it's very hard to resolve political differences when we live in different intellectual worlds.

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