Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Feelings Are Not Enough

My socialist friends tell me feelings matter.  They surely do.  So do facts.

Consider the following scenario.  In doing laundry, a woman is going through her husband's clothes and discovers something odd, a handkerchief that is not his or lipstick on his shirt collar, or something like that.  The thought comes to her like a dagger to the heart that he is cheating on her.

The pain is real, and one has no trouble feeling it, but if she could  investigate, she might discover other explanations.  Possibly, there was an office party and one of the women drank a little too much.  Or, a malicious fool planted evidence in a misbegotten prank.  There could be other explanations for what the woman saw, not including her husband's infidelity.  Yes, her feelings are real, but still she may not be right.

Here is a tragic real example.  Some years ago, my department secretary was a young woman with an older husband and a small boy, about four years old.  One Friday evening, Lisa goes out with the girls, leaving the boy in her husband's charge.  The husband puts the child to bed long before Lisa returns.  They wake up the next morning to a dead child.

It is not difficult to imagine the horror.  Suspicion naturally fell on the husband, and malicious office gossip started immediately.  One says, "I could see it in his eyes."  Another, "I never liked the guy."  And so on.  I kept saying, the only way this nightmare could be worse is if he were actually innocent.  But, their relationship was poisoned and divorce quickly followed.

The police investigation moved very slowly, in large part because the coroner's report had been lost in the bowels of the bureaucracy.  When it finally turned up, the report exonorated the husband.  As so tragically happens, with merciful infrequency, the child had died of natural causes.  It was no one's fault.  But, it was too late for Ed (no relation).

Lisa, being a young woman, soon remarried and, last I heard, had another child.  The husband, being an older man, went to bed one evening with a wife and child, and woke up the next morning to a life destroyed---because of very strong emotions unsupported by facts.  He didn't do it, you see.  So, yes, emotions matter.  Very much.

Once you recognize that emotions matter, you must also recognize they can be manipulated, and that is the stock in trade of community organizers.  Consider the case of "Black Lives Matter".

The Black community in the U.S. is racked with pathologies.  For example, educational achievement is a horror, and I have long argued that, grisly as the numbers are, for complicated reasons the reality is much worse.  In a society like ours, this has terrible consequences.

Crime rates in the Black community are an even worse horror.  Though only 13% of the population, Blacks commit 52% of homicides, 62% of robberies, 56% of car jackings, and so on, with a large majority of the victims being themselves Black.  You could spend a profitable, if sobering, moment or two with, The Color of Crime.  Note, especially,
In 2015, police killings of blacks accounted for approximately 4 percent of homicides of blacks. Police killings of unarmed blacks accounted for approximately 0.6 percent of homicides of blacks. The overwhelming majority of black homicide victims (93 percent from 1980 to 2008) were killed by blacks.
While this is assuredly no excuse for bad, sometimes criminal, policing, actions by the police cannot be the reason so many Blacks are "sick and tired of being sick and tired".  If anything, one can argue that police are the only thing standing between Black people and even worse social chaos.

So, what are Black Lives Matter talking about?  One way to get at the answer is to ask, who are they?

BLM was founded by three graduates of the Black Organizing for Leadership and Dignity.
BOLD is a project of the Neighborhood Funders Group.
NFG is a syndicate of the ARCA Foundation, Ford Foundation, NoVo Foundation, Open Society Foundations, and The Unitarian Universalist Veatch Program at Shelter Rock.

The Ford Foundation is at the bottom of almost every anti-Jewish, anti-Israel initiative coming out of the U.S., and the Open Society Foundations is George Soros.

BLM is not some spontaneous, grassroots uprising of people desperate to throw off the chains of oppression.  It is an organization that is---in that great phrase of the racist lunatic Leonard Jeffries---"planned, plotted, and programmed" by community organizers who, for years, have been busy "rubbing raw the resentments of the people."

That they have a powerful ally in the person of the President of The Republic is really all you need to know about why five policemen are dead in Dallas.

How do you respond to manipulated feelings?  "Just the facts, Ma'am, just the facts."

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