Wednesday, January 9, 2019

The Border Wall

A quick word on the border wall the president wants to build.

One of the main objections Democrats have against the wall is that walls do not work.  Their arguments are preposterous, but I do not want to go down the list, point-by-point.  Rather, I want to give some context.

After the Muslim attack of 9/11/2001, it quickly got out that America had established some "Black Sites", unacknowledged locations outside the U.S. where unnamed people tortured information out of "unlawful enemy combatants".  The revelation caused immediate outcry.

One argument for the Black Sites went as follows.  Suppose Muslims planted a "dirty bombin a major American city.  If it exploded, at least a million people would be severely affected, with an immediate 10,000 fatalities.  In your custody is a Muslim with information that would enable you to pre-empt the bomb, if you could get the information out of him.  Would you torture one man to save one million people?

The Democrats answered "No", explaining that torture does not work.   

What?!  Everybody knows torture works.  Every spy novel you ever read, every Cold War movie you ever saw assumes torture works (that's why the hero carries a cyanide tablet in case of capture).  Every real life terrorist group, like the Italian Brigate Rosse and the German Baader-Meinhof Gangorganizes in a clandestine cell system precisely because they know torture works,
"Thus, a cell member who is apprehended and interrogated (or who is a mole) will not likely know the identities of the higher-ranking individuals in the organization."

"The basic principle behind cell organization is simple: By dividing the greater organization into many multiperson groups and compartmentalizing information inside each cell as needed, the greater organization is more likely to survive if one of its components is compromised."

What does "compromised" mean, daddy?  It means you put electrodes on the guy's testicles until he talks.  (After the second jolt, you won't be able to shut him up.)

The moral of the story is this: don't waste your time listening to Democrats.  And, yes, of course walls work.

Alright, one last word:  a border wall will not cure cancer.  I mean, a wall is a tool like any tool.  It will not solve all our problems.  It will not even solve all our immigration problems.  Like any tool, it has to be used correctly and it has its limitations.  So, the issue is not whether a wall solves everything.  The question is whether it is one more effective tool in a box of effective border control tools.

And that is an discussion the Democrats will never have.

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