Sunday, January 7, 2018

The World Is So Confusing to Leftists

In a NY Times op-ed, the social justice warrior, Audrea Lim, notices the Alt-Right's fetish for Asian women and proceeds to construct an elaborate fantasy---I mean theory---for what that might mean.  Lim seems not to notice that lots of men find Asian women attractive.  Years ago, as a Jewish man dating my future Chinese wife, I had no idea I was a walking, talking stereotype until the movie "The Social Network".

Early in the movie, a party at Harvard's Jewish fraternity is well attended by Chinese girls (hmm, maybe Chinese girls find Jewish boys attractive?).  Three Jewish nerds are speculating about this, one saying he is developing an algorithm to explain the attraction.  A second boy says the question is not that complicated, "They are smart, hot, not Jewish, and they can't dance."  (Interestingly, the HuffPo misquotes the movie, having the boy say "they can dance".  I guess nobody at the HuffPo has ever watched Chinese girls dancing.)

The theme of Jewish boys and Asian girls runs through the movie.  In real life, Mark Zukerberg married a Chinese woman.  My favorite scene in the movie is the very pretty, and very crazy, Chinese girlfriend burning a gift her Jewish boyfriend gave her.  (The actual theme of the movie seems to be Jewish boys being very attracted to, and very scared of, their very pretty and very crazy Chinese girlfriends.  I do not approve of this racial stereotype, but I do understand it.)

An alternative explanation to Lim's fevered imagination is that White Nationalists are not what Lim thinks they are.  On the principle of Occam's Razor, I'm going with the second explanation as my working hypothesis.

But, never mind all that.  What I really find interesting is Audrea Lim's desperate need to hold on to "Model Minority" as a myth.  Of course, I have heard of this "myth", and a mighty strange myth it is, being supported by a mountain of empirical evidence, from a vanishingly small crime rate (when was the last time you braced yourself for trouble, seeing a Chinese man walking towards you?) to astronomically high educational attainment, and a higher average income than Episcopalians.  Asians, who constitute less than 6% of the American population, hold more PhDs---in absolute numbers  (sic!)---than Blacks, who constitute about 13% of the population.

Part of the problem may be simple innumeracy:  the inability of most people, especially Social Justice Warriors, to read a graph.

You see the problem:  Audrea Lim does not understand the world she lives in, and she admits as much in her opening paragraph,

"The white supremacists on the far right have “yellow fever” — an Asian woman fetish. It’s a confusing mix."

Rather than accepting her confusion as a sign that she needs to do something about her own ignorance and misapprehensions, Lim proceeds to unmake and re-make the world in her own ignorant and racist image.  And a nasty, social justice, world it is.

BTW, in addition to being a racist, Audrea Lim is also an anti-Semite.

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