Sunday, April 2, 2017

The Paradox of Socialism

For a long time, I had been contemplating a long essay on the paradox of socialism.  And then, it came to me.

Like the Laws of Thermodynamics, capitalism is difficult to understand but it is always true and you can see it working.

Like the idea of the flat earth, socialism is easy to understand but it is not true and you can see it failing.

Over and over, people choose that which is easy to understand and they reject the plain evidence of their "lying eyes".

Socialism is a testament to the power of propaganda and ideology over reality.

The real mystery is how a market-based liberal democracy arose in the first place.  That it lasted this long is astonishing.  How much longer?  I am not optimistic.  It's not even that capitalists are bad at propaganda while socialists are very good at it.  Capitalists aren't even fighting the propaganda war.  They seem to think that only facts and logic are required.

They could not be more wrong.

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