Monday, January 9, 2017

Globalize This!

At first, you might think this is getting tiresome.  The NY Times, in the voice of Charles M. Blow, calling our president-elect a "Troglodytic lout" (now can I call Hillary Clinton a lying cunt?).  But wait!  There be brilliance, here.

In Part The First, Blow writes,
"While Russian hacks “were not involved in vote tallying,” the publishing of pilfered emails and promulgation of fake news altered the zeitgeist, poisoned the political environment and shifted public opinion, all of which redounded to Trump’s benefit."
In Part The Second, Blow characterizes Russia's work (assuming it was Russia that really did this) thusly,
"...this is no different than physically breaking into an American office and carting off boxes of written letters — and funneled that stolen material to a willing conspirator, Julian Assange."
And I think, we've seen this before.

In the notorious Pentagon Papers case, breaking American law Daniel Ellsberg (paraphrasing Blow)
"physically broke into an American office and carted off boxes of written documents---and funneled that stolen material to a willing conspirator, the NY Times."  
Very much to the effect of (paraphrasing Blow)
"poisoning the political environment and shifting public opinion"
And it hits me, the NY Times and their media friends have lost its minds over the DNC and HRC hacks because they feel History leaving them behind.

Once upon a time, The NY Times was the Great Arbiter of the political firmament.  The public hanged on every word of "the paper of record" and politicians quaked in their boots.  No more.  Today, foreigners are doing the political work that the American mainstream media does not want to do, and the NY Times and their mass media friends are fading into irrelevance.

It seems the NY Times is as angry with Globalization as the "Angry White Men" they love to sneer at.

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