Tuesday, October 25, 2016

African Levels of Corruption

Many years ago, maybe 25 or so, I read an article in "The Economist" newspaper about public corruption in Africa.  "The Economist" tried to convey the staggering level of corruption with a joke.  I have not been able to find this joke anywhere on the internet, so I write it down here, from memory.

First, you have to know that the London School of Economics is an astonishingly influential institution.  Many young people, who go on to positions of power and influence in their home countries, are educated at the LSE and develop personal friendships there with young people from other countries.  Indeed, the LSE has educated more than a few prime ministers and dictators.  The story:

Two young students at the LSE, an African and an Asian, became fast friends and stayed in touch after they returned to their home countries.  Both developed influential careers in the service of their respective governments.

It came to pass, after some years, that the African had an opportunity to travel to East Asia.  His Asian friend from the LSE was delighted to receive him into is large and beautiful home, where they ate an elegant dinner.

Enjoying their after-dinner cigars and cocktails, on the balcony with a lovely view, the African could not help asking, "I am delighted at your success, but how can you afford all this on a government salary?"

The Asian pointed out into the distance and asked, "Do you see all that development?"  The African looked out and saw earth moving equipment, construction cranes, and all the obvious signs of a great deal of work happening.  He nodded.  The Asian then proudly tapped himself on the chest and explained, "10%".  Meaning, of course, that in bribes and kick-backs, he had skimmed into his own pocket 10% of the expenditures on the development.

The African nodded in understanding.

A couple of years later, the Asian had the opportunity to travel in Africa.  His African friend from the LSE was delighted to receive him.  Upon arriving, the Asian drove up to a palatial estate where he was received by liveried servants and they enjoyed a sumptious meal.

Enjoying their after-dinner cigars and cocktails, on a balcoy with a spectacular view, the Asian could not help asking, "I am delighted at your success, but how can you possibly afford all this on a government salary?"

The African pointed out into the distance and asked, "Do you see all that development?"  The Asian looked and looked and could see nothing but virgin wilderness.  He turned to his friend with a curious look on his face.  The African then proudly tapped himself on the chest and explained, "100%".

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is African levels of corruption.

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