Thursday, August 18, 2016

Depraved Indifference At The U.N.

The NY Times has a piece on the culpability of the UN in the cholera epidemic in post-earthquake Haiti, in 2010.  Do I really need to put this into perspective?  Oh, alright.

So, worldwide, THE central human problem is water.  Getting potable water in, putting sewage water out, floods, droughts, mosquitoes (vector for malaria), and other stuff.  Water problems are the single greatest reason, by far, why humans die premature, horrible deaths.  Especially children.

Waterborne diseases are central to the problem of water control.  There are so many different kinds we have to categorize them:  protozoan diseases, parasitic diseases, bacterial diseases, and viral disease.  Each disease more horrible than the one before.  Diseases that don't kill you by dehydration will kill you by malnutrition, skin infections, and organ damage.  I can't put it any plainer than the World Health Organization:  Waterborne Disease is World's Leading Killer.

Among the waterborne diseases, cholera is big one.  Drink water contaminated by Vibrio cholerae and you will quickly suffer an agony of profuse watery diarrhea, vomiting, rapid heart rate, loss of skin elasticity, dry mucous membranes, low blood pressure, thirst, and muscle cramps leading soon to renal failure, coma, and shock.  Death can come in hours, and it can be a mercy.

Friends, you pay attention to cholera, OK?

So, it came to pass that a magnitude 7 (that's big!) earthquake hit Haiti in 2010, epicenter mere kilometers from Port-au-Prince, causing nearly 300,000 deaths and many times that suffering.  People around the world wanted to help.  The UN wanted to help.  In the effort to help, the UN imported peacekeepers from Nepal.

As it happens, at that time Nepal was suffering a cholera epidemic.  And yet, at the UN a bell rang in nobody's head.  The UN went ahead with importing the Nepalese, they were housed in a compound on the Meille River and their waste was flushed into the river.  A recipe for disaster.

In American parlance, the very kindest characterization of UN behavior is "depraved indifference."  As I have long argued, the UN is a depraved organization.  And they are antisemites.  It is astonishing the extent to which the two go together.

Of course, the solution is obvious.

A couple of years ago I had in my class a Haitian student, a middle aged man.  How he knew I am Jewish I cannot say, but he made a point of telling me---as if I deserve some credit (I live only in reflected glory)---that many Haitians are keenly aware, and profoundly grateful, that after the earthquake the very first relief agents on the ground were these fantastic, highly mobile Israeli field hospitals.  They appeared over night, as if by magic.  No hoopla, no klieg lights, no press corp.  Quietly, they went about the business of saving lives, one after another after another,

No One But The Israelis Have Come To Help

In the words of the Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest (who probably never spoke these exact words, but the sentiment is absolutely right), the Israelis Got there firstest with the mostest.

So, the solution to the UN depravity?  Tens of thousands of sick and dead Haitians attest to the rightness of this assertion:  All UN relief efforts must be run by Jews.

Oh, you don't think that's ever going to happen?  Neither do I.  Too bad, because a lot of people are going to die who do not need to die.

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