Thursday, May 19, 2016

Our Intellectual Elite Are Idiots.

Donald Trump is right:  our intellectual elite are idiots.  Case in point:  Robert Kagan in today's WaPo.  He begins, "But of course the entire Trump phenomenon has nothing to do with policy or ideology."

What?  The first time Trump got anybody's attention was with a policy statement, "I will build the wall."  From which anyone can reasonably infer that Trump means to stop illegal immigration.

Now, you can argue the point.  You might say he is lying.  You might say he cannot do it because it is impossible, or he should not do it because it is undesirable.  But it is, undeniably, a policy statement.

Furthermore, Trump's politically incorrect speech doubles down on policy.  Political correctness has nothing to do with sparing people's feelings and everything to do with steering the political discourse away from policy.  If you do not know this, you are probably a very nice person, but you should go shampoo your rug and avoid anything to do with politics.  By the simple fact of his political incorrectness, Donald Trump is forcing the public discourse into policy and away from the insufferable bullshit that has passed for political discourse for the past generation.

After this, Kagan goes into something about incoherent ideology and contradictory policies and a jumble of other irrelevant gibberish.  Bob!  What part of "close the borders" do you not understand?!

With the possible exception of Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump is the only political candidate on the public stage who is all policy all the time.  If this is what has come of his progeny, Kagan père, the great Yale historian, must be turning over in his grave, and he isn't even dead, yet.

"This is how fascism comes to America"

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