Thursday, November 17, 2016

Donald Trump is Barack Obama

I am working on the theory that Barack Obama and Donald Trump are the same person, politically speaking.

If you get your information mainly from the MSM, the votes for Barack are one of the great mysteries of the 21st century.  Whatever you may think of the man as an individual, he had no resume going into the 2008 presidential elections.  His only evident attributes are that he is a socialist and---I hesitate say it, since political correctness has been described as the "war on noticing"---he is black.

The MSM made much of both.  They were euphoric about the prospect of having the first Black president, and they were industrious in portraying the man as a political centrist, so as not to frighten the horses.  But, secretly, we all know he is a socialist.
<<<nudge, nudge, wink, wink>>> 
Either way, he was not the kind of man we normally imagine mid-western Whites would turn out for, in large numbers.

Ah, but he was also something else.  Barack was an Outsider.  Or, so it seemed, at the time.  During the Democratic primaries of 2008, the man came out of nowhere to defeat the Establishment candidate, the anointed Democratic standard bearer, the notorious, HRH HRC.  (That's a little British lingo for you.  "HRH" is "Her Royal Highness".)  And he went on to defeat the other Establishment candidates, first John McCain in 2008 then Mittens Romney in 2012.

Looked at in this way, the political life of Barack Obama is not so strange or unexpected.  There have been plenty of signs, for years, that the American people have grown restless with the Established Order.  You may recall the 1992 elections and the peculiar candidacy of Ross Perot.  For all his quirkiness and suspiciously little commitment to his own cause, he garnered nearly 20% of the popular vote in the general election.  Lots of people commented at the time, and then Perot was forgotten because he did not persist, because no other capable independent candidate came forward, and because the Established Order wanted to forget.

So, when an apparent outside candidate materialize again in 2008, he got everybody's attention.  That outside candidate was Barack Obama.

The MSM, being ideologically motivated entirely by race and class and race and class and race and class, saw in Barack a candidate of race and class.  That is how they spoke of him, they assumed everybody else saw him just the same way, and that is how I saw him, too.

Look, when it comes to skepticism about the MSM, I take my hat off to no one.  But you can't be vigilant every moment of every day.  It's not as if I have gone out to lunch with Barack, regularly or ever, so I don’t know the man.  The MSM talk of Barack in terms of race and class, and I thought of Barack in terms of race and class.

But, here's the thing.  In 2008, not only did a whole lot of people vote for Barack whom you might not have expected would vote in that way, but a lot of those same people voted for Donald Trump in 2016.  Now, this is an odd thing, and you really have to think about that for a bit. 

If you think exclusively in terms of race and class, it's impossible to square this circle.  But, if you start to think in terms of the Outsider, if you remember Ross Perot and remember that Americans are becoming, are already, fed up with the Established Order, things start to make more sense.

It makes sense to think that the people who voted for Barack in 2008, because he was the Outsider, might very well vote for Trump in 2016, because he is the Outsider.  And poor Hillary lost to Donald Trump in the 2016 general elections for exactly the same reason she lost to Barack Obama in the 2008 primaries:  she was the Establishment candidate, each time, in a time when voters were rejecting Establishment candidates.

So, in 2016 as in 2008, HRH HRC was the same Establishment candidate losing to the same Outsider in the age of the Outsider.  Barack Obama of 2016 is not the Barack Obama of 2008.  In the 2016, Barack is just another Establishment figure.  In 2016, Donald Trump is the Barack Obama of 2008.

Finally, a word about the MSM.  They are certainly important, but maybe not as important as they think of themselves.  In 2008, the MSM was in the tank for Barack and they appear to have succeeded in putting him into the White House.  But, in 2008 the MSM was working with the zeitgeist.  I.e., they favored the Outsider at a time when Americans favored the Outsider. 

In 2016, the MSM, for reasons best known to themselves, favored the Establishment candidate.  They worked against the zeitgeist, and America’s ears were closed to them.  No doubt, by their efforts the MSM made the race closer than it might otherwise have been, but working against the zeitgeist is always going to be very heavy lifting.  In the end, it was the zeitgeist that won in 2016 just as it won in 2008.  It was the zeitgeist each time, not the MSM.

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